Posts Tagged ‘Washington Post’

Back to School Tour 2010

AKA, Courage in the Classroom.

In August 2010, Department of Education Secretary Arne Duncan embarked on a tour known as the “Back to School Tour,” sometimes referred to as “Courage in the Classroom.” This is a bus tour that travels through various states and explores the looming first days of school for students around the nation.

The tour went from Arkansas through Louisiana and Mississippi to Alabama, then from New York through Massachusetts and New Hampshire to end in Maine.

The main purpose of the tour was to listen to teachers, parents, and students and get on-sight feedback.  Duncan also discussed the administration’s decisions like No Child Left Behind, now known as the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and the ARRA, while in these various states.

Big newspapers like the New York Times, Washington Post, and Huffington Post all covered the tour with articles chronicling the progress and the purpose. The only reason I do not site the specific articles from the Washington Post and Huffington Post is because they were purely fact based and offered no opinion or commentary on the tour.

The New York Times, however, offered a more cynical take on the tour. Though not directly stated, the author Trip Gabriel takes on a skeptical stance, commenting that the tour was more of a political campaign than it was an honest outreach by the administration. Gabriel notes that the tour might have been prompted by the recent success of the Race to the Top campaign, and may have a bragging tour.

It is important to note the underlying negative tone of the piece, because it further points out the different political views people have of the tour. Some people think the tour really IS an honest outreach by Duncan, whereas Gabriel claims malice.

One of these outlets that honors Duncan as somewhat of a hero to the Education field, is the Christian Science Monitor. Amanda Paulson and Stacy Teicher Khadaroo wrote an article about Duncan’s rise to the top, from his upbringing at a Brooklyn public school to Harvard University, to Education Secretary. His tale is one of triumph, which places him in a hero category, according to Paulson and Khadaroo. They claim that Duncan is empowering, and has been the most influential secretary.

Another important aspect to focus on is the reaction by other blog sites about this presentation of the Bus Tour from the Christian Science Monitor. Nichole Dobo posted an article on the blog, “Delware Online” remarking on how Duncan told the Christian Science Monitor to visit Delaware and that Delaware’s DSEA President Donohue was a personal hero of his. This short article is nothing to be surprised about, but what IS surprising are the comments from readers about this article. One commentor in particular lashes out and refers to Donohue as a sell-out and that this plan will only weaken the education system and hurt the children.

With such polar opposites being thrust into the media, how are citizens supposed to know whether this Bus Trip is positive or negative?

Do your civic duty and read about it, then draw your own conclusions.