Posts Tagged ‘Elementary and Secondary Education Act’

Elementary and Secondary Education Act 2010 Reauthorization

In March 2010, the Obama administration issued the reauthorization to the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, also currently known as the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.  This Act was up for reauthorization in 2007.

What this reauthorization will do, is improve the workings of our school systems by improving qualities of teachers and principles; helping families become more participative in their children’s education; preparing students for college and jobs by creating better assessments and standards; and providing a more well-rounded education to improve student learning and achievement.

This is a huge step in the process of bettering our nation’s competitiveness in education, and it did not go unheard in the media.

President Obama has a posted video on the White House Blog where he discusses the blueprint of the updated ESEA. In this video, Obama addresses the audience, talking into the camera and making it known that the audience is in fact citizens, not other politicians. This is a tactical move by Obama to help non-political people understand the logistics behind the act, which allows the Act to have more relevance to citizens.
click here for the video

The Alliance for Excellent Education created a webinar to further explain the president’s blueprint for success of the reauthorization. This blueprint, which can be found on the Dept. of Education’s website, is a lengthy report detailing every aspect of the reauthorization using political jargon and terms that may not be easily digestable by the common citizen’s vernacular.  Former Governer Wise (WVa) uses this webinar to answer questions about the report, such as why a reauthorization is necessary, and why now.

click here for the video